Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beautiful Baby...

We had our first ultrasound last week and it was so exciting! Baby was moving and kicking on the screen :) I haven't felt the movements yet, but I am hoping that isn't too far away! Baby's heart rate was 150 and everything is looking great. We have pretty much decided that we are going to find out the baby's gender, so we go back in March for another ultrasound. I have now gained about 4 pounds and my clothes are beginning to drop out of 'wearability' one by one. I ended up getting a few maternity clothes last weekend, so hopefully they will be more comfortable!

Danny has finished his busiest term - he was taking 3 classes, so he was gone 3 nights a week - and is now in the downhill stretch! Just 1 more class and then graduation in May!! We are both very ready for him to be out of school for good :) I am very proud of all the time and hard work he has put into it!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


This week has brought about more changes. I finally seem to be over the nausea (thank goodness!!!) so I am hungry more often. I am developing a bump, but have only gained a couple of pounds. This means I am still able to stay in most of my normal clothes so far. I know it will still be a while, but I am anticipating getting to feel the baby move :) We have our second prenatal visit next Wednesday and our first sonogram. We are really excited!!

Danny has been really busy with school and work right now, since he is taking 3 classes at the moment. The good news is he only has 2 more weeks with the heavy workload. He will go down to 1 class for the remainder of the term. Graduation is in mid-May...just around the corner!!!

Once Danny's plate is a little lighter, we plan to begin looking for a house. One of those things we are looking forward to, but nervous about at the same time! House hunting is a lot of work and a really big decision!