Monday, June 21, 2010

New beginning

As of June 4, I ended one career so that I could begin a new one. I spent the last couple of weeks in May working very late at school in order to get everything cleaned out and packed up. Danny, my in-laws, and my mom came up to help me get everything out in time, so now our garage is pretty full of school stuff with no room left for the car. It has been really nice getting to relax when I need to these last couple of weeks. I have been able to get some things done around the house that I just had not had time to get to before now.

We found out that there was a little hold up on starting the new house, but after Danny had the company do some checking around they figured out their mistake and gave us a start date of June 21 (today). We are still hoping that the house will be ready in September. I'm not exactly looking forward to the actual moving part, but I am ready to get settled into the new place with a little more room.

I am now a little over 32 weeks and baby has been moving like crazy! Our midwife said he seems to be head down already, so I'm hoping he stays that way. We have been trying to get some of the necessities ready before he arrives, so the guest room upstairs is beginning to get a little crowded :) And we still have 3 more baby showers left! Luckily, we already have most of the big stuff.

We have a couple of months left, but I am ready to begin my new career as 'Mama'!